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Monday, January 23, 2012

I am...

My name is Emily. Have you met me?

I am a nerd. I enjoy school and reading and have in fact written essays for fun.

I am a sister to two wonderful brothers. They fill my world with light and joy and have a very different perspective that sometimes makes me think about things differently.

I am a daughter who adores her parents. I have amazing relationships with both of them and can talk to them about ANYTHING. Who do I go to when I have problems or just need to chat about the most random stuff in the world? My parents.

I am a Christian. I have accepted the Lord into my heart and I know that even if I have no friends, I'll have Him.

I am a dancer. I can go for hours alone in my room, dancing my heart out. I danced from the moment I was born and I haven't stopped yet.

I am a music lover. I know a ton of songs and have basically grown up on music, from REM to Taylor Swift to Owl City to Michael W. Smith. I'm always singing, it just isn't always out loud.

I am 50-75% British. I can do the accent, say the slang, and I love drinking tea. I drink it all day, from my morning cup of Earl Grey to the two or three cups of regular tea I drink with my mom in the afternoon, while doing school or watching 24.

I am a writer. I write and write and write. My passions, my anger, my sadness are among the feelings I express in my writing.

I am shy. I'm often the one on the outside of groups, listening to what people say but never talking. I'm the one who listens to the problems and woes and amounts of homework. I may offer a quiet suggestion to help with your problem but most likely I'll listen.

I am cyberschooled. All of what I learn happens on the computer. I get so many questions (like: do you even do anything all day? answer: yes, of course I do, and why are you homeschooled? answer: I am not homeschooled, and I like it and feel like I do better in this school enviroment.) and so many looks (like: woah, is that kid mentally challenged? answer: no....). I feel like the stupid kid when I'm with other people, only due to the fact that they seem to associate "stupidness" with "homeschooled." I am not stupid, but when people make me feel like I am it hurts. Deep.

I am sometimes very depressed. I can spend hours in my room crying over a heart that's been hurt more times than its owner can remember by people the owner believed were friends.

I am tall. I have nearly reached 5'10. Sometimes I wish I was a lot shorter. Sometimes I get picked on for being this tall. Short people sometimes get mad at me for it. I really did not choose my height. I just kept growing after many people stopped.

I am excluded. I don't know why, or how the "popular people" always find me to pick on and leave out. I hate being left out. I've cried about that before too. Cried and cried and cried.

And finally...

I am human. I'm a human who makes mistakes and isn't perfect. I'm not afraid to admit it. I make the same mistakes you do, I'm not always as nice to my family as I wish I was, and I don't always include everyone. The one thing I do know I am not is a hypocrite. It kills me inside to see the very people who have bullied and excluded me stand up and say how they feel excluded and bullied and we should all try not to do it, and then glare at me or not talk to me even when I try to reach out.

My name is Emily. Have you met me? If not, I'd love to meet you.


  1. Emily, I have met you and you are wonderful. I remember those Friday nights at Barnes and Noble when you would help me shelve books and keep me company. I always felt as if you were wise beyond your years and sweet and kind and incredibly loved by your amazing family. You have a passion for life and I'm sorry to hear that you experience such sadness as well. You are a talented writer and I know you will soar. Anyone who bullies you obviously does not know who you truly are or they do and they are envious. Do not allow these cowards to break your spirit or diminish your beauty and greatness. Keep writing sweetie!

  2. Thanks for sharing your heart, Emi! We love you more than you'll ever know! And we're so proud of you! God understands who you are and how you feel -- He made you! And He made you to be the special girl you are. :) xoxo

  3. I have never had the pleasure of meeting you in real life, but reading your blog makes me feel as though I do. I feel your pain, and went through this in school myself (for much different reasons.) Just keep your head up! And def keep blogging!

    Your unknown friend,
