(Inspired by a post on Writer's Block)
Q&A With the Perfect Stranger In Line Behind Me at Starbucks Who's Staring at Me Like I'm Some Kind of Alien:
Me: Um.. Hi?
Stranger: Why aren't you in school, young lady?
Me: Uh... (Can't you figure it out?) I'm cyberschooled.
Stranger: *Narrows eyes to a sort of glare.* You mean homeschooled.
Me: No, its not the same as homeschooling.
Stranger: So you spend all your life staring at a computer in your pjs.
Me: Um.. no. I'm not a mindless, pajama-wearing drone.
Stranger: *Looks confused and frustrated.* Well, don't you miss public school?
Me: How could I miss public school when only been to one day, and that was like a field trip to see what the other side does?
Stranger: *Glares and looks away.*
Me: *Sighs.* Uh...
Stranger: You'll obviously lack the social skills needed for the real world.
(Yikes. Just a snapshot of my world.)
Well said, Em! Definitely see this often, don't we? :)