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Monday, May 2, 2011


I can't believe it's nearly the end of 8th grade. Nearly the end of the last year before high school. I can remeber going to a long boring meeting and sitting on my daddy's lap while my parents listened to a speaker explain about cyber schools. I remember being devestated because I wouldn't be attending a school like I'd seen on Mr. Rogers. I remember going to a big building and going to a room and a lady asked me if I knew how to skip and toss a ball and what a nurse is. I remeber going to my homeschool co-op and making new friends, and asking them if they were homeschooled too. I remeber going to a test I had to take in 1st grade and being sad because my teacher seemed sad and I wanted her to be happy. I remember 1st grade at my co-op when they needed a first grader to go with the second graders so the groups would be even, and feeling great when I got picked. I remember 3rd grade at co-op, when I didn't come back for the second semester and everyone thought I moved to Australia. I remeber 5th grade as being the hardest year for me, because I was shy and didn't really talk much. I remember feeling sick at co-op and going to my mom's journalism class instead of my science class. I remember hatching chicks, and feeling so protective of our little eggs. I remember my parents saying we weren't going to go back, and drawing pictures of FaceBook with my friends writing on my wall saying they miss me. I remember starting 7th grade with a feeling of awe,knowing I was a big kid now. I remember getting my laptop and being so excited because I had something my parents had. And now, I know I will look back on 8th gradeand see how far I have come. And I will put my head down and cry, because even a big kid isn't ashamed to cry sometimes.

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